Did you know that every impact and positive outcome The Clothing Project has is because of our volunteer team?
Job Calendar: click on a specific shift to sign up
Our volunteers are the reason why we can make children and their whānau smile, feel loved and valued. No matter your background or skills, we will have (or we will find!) the volunteering role for you.
We are always looking for people who can:
Sort and select gift condition clothing for children
Pack a gift box for a child
Mend and repair clothing items
Help with washing items
Plus many more evolving roles
Children are welcome to come along when you are volunteering as they are an important part of what we do. We have toys and facilities to accommodate babies and children.
Volunteer With Us
The gift of volunteering has so many benefits to the community as a whole. By joining our team, you will be doing something hands on to make a difference in a local child’s life. You will also be helping to divert clothing and items from the landfill so they can be loved or recycled. On a personal level, you will meet new people and learn new skills. You will become part of a team where fun, friendship and laughter are commonplace.
What you’ll do
On a typical day at The Clothing Project, we need to carefully sort through the wonderful donations we receive. The clothing is checked to make sure it is in good condition and from there it can be sorted into sizes and genders. The final stage before we can gift the clothing is to pack up a gift box. This is thoughtfully done with the child in mind as we hope to share that it is given with love from the community.
For a lot of families, it can only take one unexpected bill to really put financial pressure on; no matter how hard they are trying. This can mean they are faced with choosing between power or food and warm clothing for their child. We have helped families facing all types of hardship such as escaping a violent relationship, families who lost everything in a house fire and we also were able to help whānau affected by the Edgecumbe floods. Not only do our volunteers provide clothing, but you are helping to create connections and share with families that they are a valued and loved part of our community. You are will be directly tackling child poverty in New Zealand.
Did you know our fantastic team is driven by our volunteers? We need a big team to help sort and pack gift boxes of clothing that has been donated by the community. While this is big component of what we do, we have exciting projects coming up in the future that will need volunteers to get them up and running. As a new charity, we are constantly evolving and growing which requires skills and experiences asides from sorting and packing clothes. If you feel you can contribute time, we would love to hear from you.