Heart of Volunteers
Volunteers are the heart of our community.
I am very mindful of how amazing the volunteers are for The Clothing Project. If you haven’t read on our website already we are 100% volunteer run. So it goes without saying having no volunteers means no The Clothing Project.
The reason I am thinking about our volunteers is… Next week is National Volunteer Week 17th – 23rd June 2018. The theme this year is Heart of our community. As their website states, this theme captures the essence of what volunteering is about; how their efforts, compassion and time provide a significant contribution, and enriching communities.
This statement couldn’t be truer of our volunteers and the work we do.
We have a range of age of volunteers from young mums to retired ladies wanting to give back to the community and be connected. We like to try and find a place for everyone that loves our cause and has a heart for people.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” Elizabeth Andrews
If you are thinking about volunteering we are always looking for volunteers. You can find out more here at our volunteer page to find out more. If you have more questions please get in contact with us.
If what we don’t doesn’t work for you for whatever reason Volunteering New Zealand is another great place to start.